Freedom On the Weekend
I went away this weekend, at least for half a weekend. I left on Saturday afternoon and came back after work today. Staying that extra night meant getting up at 0530 and stumbling into the car at 0600, but it was worth it just for a few more hours of freedom. Getting away these days reminds me of when I was a teenager--the quiet thrill of being alone, with no one to direct you or nag you. Nowadays it's more like no one to dictate a trip to the toy store and no one to carp about today's bag lunch. No one to demand "Green Day!!, Green Day", when I want to listen to Maroon 5 instead. And I can watch whatever I want on television. It's hard to admit, but the freedom to sit and flip between baseball and an ancient episode of Mayberry RFD is also a luxury. A small luxury but still. It takes me about two hours to drive those 100 miles. There's a quick zip up a real highway and then town after town on a mostly two lane road. Once I would have called most of these town...