Don't Hit Your Sister, Don't Bite Your Brother!
Do you have a philosophy of child-rearing--either your own or one you subscribe to? As an adolescent I read Dr. Spock's books mainly to anticipate and head off any funny strategies that my mother might find. I also read them to piss her off. Were there other child rearing gurus back then? Back then, when raising kids was known as "child rearing" and you either read Spoke or Ilg and Ames. I still read Ilg and Ames sometimes but only the first 10 pages and only online at Amazon. Their advice is a tiny bit illuminating but mostly quaint and outdated. "Invite the same number of party guests as the age of the child". It makes sense but it's totally unrealistic. Keeping a first birthday party under 25 or 50 can be a real chore. I still remember making two cakes in the shape of trains, I think. No idea why I made two cakes when one would have been enough. Hypo-mania probably. (The video from that party is cringe inducing. My voice is too high, too bright and I am W...