No Child Left Behind--thank goodness
In my last post, I worried aloud about Kid 2's learning "differences" and how on earth he could possibly succeed in middle school. Last week I met with his "home room" teacher and his "Section 504" teacher. (Section 504 is basically "special ed lite") I came away from those two meetings feeling optimistic about next year. I am traditionally a foe of all things Bush. When the "No Child Left Behind" program was enacted, I immediately dubbed it "Leave Every Child Behind". I worried about teaching to testing and funding mandates etc. despite the fact that both kids attend highly regarded and highly funded (approx. $14,000 per capita expenditure yearly. I remember when I/we briefly considered public school for Kid 1 when we lived in SF. The annual expenditure per student was just under $7,000.) National Blue Ribbon schools. Frankly, I've always regarded the whole "Blue Ribbon" school thing a giant crock of crap. I...