
Showing posts from October, 2012

Autumn Flashes By Amid Romantic Ashes

Last year, Kid 2 had her first breakup with a boyfriend--her first. She was mopey for a day or so and she cried the day I finally figured out what was going on, but she was remarkably resilient. Now I find myself much less resilient in the wake of my own breakup. I suppose not much changes as for as the progression. As my aunt reminded me last night, I wasn't happy and I was bored and I wanted out last spring. But he was the one who pulled the plug and somehow that really hurts. "You were tired of him, remember? You wanted to be through with him, remember? You were bored to death!" All true. But still. I keep thinking how cold and dreary the winter will be without monthly trips to Miami--no kayak outings, no South Beach, no barbecues and fun oldsters. No more feeling like a college student again--but with no classes. Of course, on the other hand--no nonsensical discourses on voodoo 'medicine'; no constant nagging about a panoply of habits and no more crabbines...