
Showing posts from July, 2013

Summer School Blues

The fleas are vanquished. We discovered that Off is an effective deterrent while one is waiting for all the poisons and powders and sprays to take effect. Kid 2 is in summer school until the 31st. This is a specialized class for smart kids who can't learn effectively in a traditional classroom. I have come to believe that labeling whatever deficit is causing the short circuits between the teacher, the brain, and the output mechanism is useless. Structure, no nonsense--in other words, not allowing him to skate along on wit and charm--and the breaking down of tasks into tiny steps seems to be making an impression. I was going to say that it seems to be "working" but I have come to the conclusion that there is no solution or method that will work unless he believes in it. Is he embracing this approach? Well, he doesn't get in the car with a snarl and bark "get me the hell out of this place!" as he hurls his backpack on the floor like he does during the schoo...

Hot Weather Whine--fleas, flees and unpaid bills

Do not come to visit us. We have fleas--zillions of fleas. These aren't your ordinary circus-oriented fleas. They're not interested in performing. No, this may be a flea cabal. I'm convinced they want us out of the house ASAP. I feel like we live in a Dickensian hovel. We've powdered and sprayed and it's getting better but still. And I swear that some of us are considered better eating spots than others... Kid 2's feet seem to be particularly succulent--soft, pink and juicy. You must need a reservation to get a spot on his feet. Kid 1 is out of the house a lot so there's not much word of mouth on her relative edible-ness (edilibility? surely a word only a cannibal uses?). I seem pretty immune. My feet draw them but I must be Burger King compared to Kid 2's L'Auberge or Kid 2's Applebee's. I want them out. Now, to the flees...Our lodger has fled and not due to the fleas. I knew she was an escapee from Dysfunction Junction. She immediately ...

Are Video Games Always So Bad?

The other afternoon my Little Cutie had a play date with a fellow 5-year-old from camp. This was the first time they'd played together. The minute my charge got into the car he started talking nonstop about the latest Lego set he was coveting. The minute he had to stop and take a breath I took advantage and asked the little friend whether he liked Lego. "No, not really." "How about Minecraft?" "No." Hmmm....two down and no screen-less options immediately IDed. Cutie continued talking aloud about his.latest Lego lust. I could almost hear our guest thinking to himself 'great, I wonder if I can get my mother to pick me up early." I shuddered but steeled myself for the inevitable..."What do you like to do," I asked him."I like to build booby traps and make up outside games." Uh, oh...a classic boy mismatch...Video Boy meets Outdoors Boy. This was not going to be pretty. And then fate stepped in. "I do like Wii, do you ...

Back In The Saddle Again

Summer is over for me. I'm back in the saddle driving Kid 1 to the train in the morning and then shuttling Kid 2 to his writing classes that start at 9:00. My back is killing me. Since the middle of June, my taxi turban has been on the shelf. No more. Kid 2 gets picked up at 12:15 each day while Kid 1's train gets in at 5:45. I am proud of both kids. I'm glad that my daughter has the dedication necessary to get up each morning; dress creatively; grab her unwieldly portfolio carrier and dash to her pre-college classes at FIT.One does not simply get up and throw on shorts and a tee-shirt when one is FIT bound. The outfit must be chic, fashionable and just comfortable enough to get through the journey to class. It also must preferably be an outfit comprised of clothing items that have never been worn together at all. My son is also uncomplaining. He has a bunch of buddies at school and they gather together to grumble about the unfairness of summer school. In the meantime,...