Summer School Blues
The fleas are vanquished. We discovered that Off is an effective deterrent while one is waiting for all the poisons and powders and sprays to take effect. Kid 2 is in summer school until the 31st. This is a specialized class for smart kids who can't learn effectively in a traditional classroom. I have come to believe that labeling whatever deficit is causing the short circuits between the teacher, the brain, and the output mechanism is useless. Structure, no nonsense--in other words, not allowing him to skate along on wit and charm--and the breaking down of tasks into tiny steps seems to be making an impression. I was going to say that it seems to be "working" but I have come to the conclusion that there is no solution or method that will work unless he believes in it. Is he embracing this approach? Well, he doesn't get in the car with a snarl and bark "get me the hell out of this place!" as he hurls his backpack on the floor like he does during the schoo...