A Criminal Parent on Saturday Night
I am breaking the law as I write this. I am sitting in the cafe area of the local movie theater while my son and his friends are watching an R-rated movie. They are going to see it without being 17 or accompanied by an adult. I am a criminal genius. But why should I have to sit through an R-rated movie with kids? They don't need me to explain any of the crass humor or the raunchy dialog. They've seen just about everything on YouTube except porn. It's way too late for censorship. Am I supposed to play Church Lady or throw my hands across their eyes? These movies are made for male teens and twenty-somethings. This particular movie is "Johnny Knoxville's Bad Grampa", one of those awful boy movies with plenty of crotch-kicking and breast baring. Also, farts, burps and lots of micturation and defecation in really inappropriate places. There is probably a playful pedophile and at least one incident with a bad ass biker gang too. And at least 1,000 utterances of t...