What To Wear or Not
Kid 1 and I have discovered a web site called Vinted where women--mostly 17 to 35 can sell the clothes in their closets that they either don't like anymore or don't wear. Some of the items are hilariously hideous and the manner in which photos are taken can be even funnier. There are manikins that have huge breasts, droopy breasts or strange postures and poses. One "Vintie" puts her clothes on a voluptuous half manikin that is either naked on the top or bottom depending on the item. Another puts dresses and tops on a hanger topped with a realistic cat head that looks like it was cut out like a paper doll. It appears to be a brindle. Anyway, it's voyeurism at its best but I find that aside from striped sweaters and jeans nothing catches my eye. I don't know what I want to wear anymore or how I want to look. I hated the high boots with skinny jeans look that hung around forever. I thought that trend would never die. Most everything I like now is sort of prepp...