
Showing posts from 2016
Long time lapse... A lot has happened since the last time I wrote here, Kid 1 happily starting sophomore year of college, no more house--yay, new school for Kid 2 that just might work. I don't feel like a single mother as much anymore. It's just Kid 2 and me in a spacious two-bedroom apartment. Actually, I have no idea if it's spacious. It fits us and it's larger than an RV, so its fine. Like many single people at this stage of life I've decided that dating/men isn't worth the trouble or the distraction. I seem to always choose badly and experience isn't making that any better. We have a dog now. Impossibly cute Havanese who is now 7 months old. I had heard people say that a dog is like another kid and I guess it's true. But this one doesn't need a college fund.