
Showing posts from December, 2012

Dust bunnies, incontinent cats and the weather in Miami

I am sitting on the couch with the cat. The cat that does not pee on the floor, the civilized cat that relieves himself outdoors which is what normal cats prefer. Or so I read. The boxes, gift wrap, operating instructions and tissue paper have been corraled. I put them in plastic trash bags. I feel guilty. We all know why. I am sitting and thinking about the couch upholstery and how filthy and spotty it is. I really should take it off and throw it in the wash. It's very convenient that way, except that I'm pretty sure most of the spots won't come out. Same with the yellow rug in the dining room. I wonder if I should just take it up and throw it out but it reminds me of better times. Maybe I should throw it out. Kid 1 is asleep. Kid 1 wants to go shopping later--presumably when she is awake. Kid 2 has rolled up the carpet in the office and is buzzing his new remote control cars--a Lamborghini Reventron and an Audi A8 around and around on the floor. They sound like the ...

Oh, and big surprise the world didn't end 12/21

I just had to make note. The world didn't end. No sign of the Illuminati. My ex-boyfriend had a friend who actually believed that the world would end last Friday and that aliens would land and solve all the world's problems. I never could figure out whether the Illuminati were good or bad. What I did figure out is that this friend had put her life on hold for years waiting for the big day. And now she's screwed I guess. Actually the tenacity with which such folks hold on to their confirmation biases is stunning. I'm sure they've set the next date already.

Holiday Gifts For Kids: It's Just Not the Same

My friend and I went shopping for the kids the other day and came away oddly discouraged. The day before I'd gone to the local Game Stop and purchased some "DLC" (Downloadable Content) for Kid 2. Unfortunately he's back into 'shooter' games. I had the Steam cards in hand and I handed them to the clerk expecting him to note some code and then give the cards back. I figured I'd wrap the cards somehow. But all I got was a long receipt with some codes. I explained to the 20-something clerk that it would be hard to wrap a receipt and finally I wrangled two of the actual cards--so there would be something to wrap. The clerk was utterly puzzled by my need for something more tangible than a code to wrap and put under the tree. Finally he acquiesced in response to my plea of "it's a mom thing" and gave me the actual cards. He did this with an expression of contemptuous disbelief saying 'yeah, well that's one thing I'll never be, but wh...

Oh, the holidays, how I hate them...

Am I the only non-religious parent who wishes they had imprinted Hanukkah on their kids, instead of Christmas? Four small gifts and a fifth big one and that's it. Why is there never any money in December or do I just feel it most keenly in December? Now my cute little boy--who is not little but is still cute--has been invited to a 7th/8th grade dance party at the local country club. The ticket cost $75--but at least it's a benefit? And he was asked by a very cool girl...However, the blazer is $75 and the matching pants are $30 and if the piano currently perched in the dining room doesn't sell soon, I'm screwed. I am feeling newly discouraged about the demise of my relationship. Last year the holidays were fun and the years before that I always flew to Florida on Christmas. Even Thanksgiving was fun although New Year's Eve was kind of bumpy. This year I'll spend the day with the cats, one of whom is incontinent. He does at least only relieve himself on either...