Dust bunnies, incontinent cats and the weather in Miami
I am sitting on the couch with the cat. The cat that does not pee on the floor, the civilized cat that relieves himself outdoors which is what normal cats prefer. Or so I read. The boxes, gift wrap, operating instructions and tissue paper have been corraled. I put them in plastic trash bags. I feel guilty. We all know why.
I am sitting and thinking about the couch upholstery and how filthy and spotty it is. I really should take it off and throw it in the wash. It's very convenient that way, except that I'm pretty sure most of the spots won't come out. Same with the yellow rug in the dining room. I wonder if I should just take it up and throw it out but it reminds me of better times. Maybe I should throw it out.
Kid 1 is asleep. Kid 1 wants to go shopping later--presumably when she is awake. Kid 2 has rolled up the carpet in the office and is buzzing his new remote control cars--a Lamborghini Reventron and an Audi A8 around and around on the floor. They sound like the wind whirling around gathering force for a tornado. I was sitting on the couch thinking it was the heat that was making that sound. I was thinking about how high the ConEd bill will be this month. I was a teensy bit grateful to Hurricane Sandy for that. Sure, I hated going six days without power but at the same time I kept thinking about how the ConEd bill for Oct/Nov would be lower.
It is grey and leafless outside. I should go outside and finish raking the leaves up on the front lawn. It wouldn't take long. I have gently banished the incontinent cat to the backyard hoping he will do his duty out there instead of under the dining room table. Yesterday I got so frustrated that I carried him downstairs and plopped him in the litter box. He did oblige but then Kid 1 whined mightily about the odor. There is no odor when Mom crawls around on the floor scooping up the poop just after it hits the deck. Spoiled kid. Rotten cat.
Mostly I am sitting here on the couch trying not to think about how gorgeous the weather in Miami probably is today. Most of the past six years I flew to Fort Lauderdale on Christmas Day. We'd have a wonderful Xmas dinner at Cafe Maxx and then drive 'home' to SW Miami. Last year I flew down so many times it got to be wearisome. Oh to be spoiled again but I've no hope of that. It's more productive to think about dust bunnies and carpet stains.