Forty-eight Hours and Counting

We have now accrued two hours of "supervised driving" experience. She needs fifty hours of driving plus a graduation certificate from a driver's ed program. Once she has done this, she can take her road test in six months. Our driving has been going well. She is very good at making accurate turns, backing up and staying in her own lane. Remembering to signal a turn is somewhat shaky. And she takes some turns a bit fast but she is quickly learning to eyeball the angle of a curve before she turns into it.

She scares me only when she seems to be moving too close to the right-hand side of the street. Kid 2 played back-seat driver this afternoon and it is allegedly my spatial perceptions that are wonky. Only once or twice did she truly come too close to parked cars lining the right hand side.

Kid 2 described the noise I make when I'm scared that she's going to hit something as sounding like a constipated flamingo being strangled. I solved the problem though. I plead "Don't scare Mommy, don't scare Mommy" while I gesticulate below the dash that she should steer gently to the left. It worked pretty well. No


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