Blogging is Hard, Comedy is Easy

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So, all summer long, I'd been thinking about a post entitled "The Three Things I Hate About Summer". I talked about it with Kid 1 in late June, asking her to please remind me of the latter two, because I was SO sure I'd remember my number one bugaboo...

She denies ever having the conversation and now I have only two things I hate about summer", which lacks zing. Maybe the first one was "My memory gets worse in the summer months"....Anyway, here are my two summer gripes:

#2 Screaming children.
I really hate kids who scream continually as they play in a group outside. This ruins my lovely, peaceful summer day. I taught my kids not to scream from the moment they could babble. One day, Kid 1 screamed and I said "no screaming, yelling is fine, no screaming. Screaming is for when there's a knife and blood". I'm sure I said that many times, but somehow my oddball kids absorbed this wisdom. As kids, we were programmed the same way. A bloodcurdling scream meant that something was really wrong, not that you missed your turn on the zip line. Think "Peter and the Wolf", not "Jason from Friday the 13th".

#3 Lemonade Stands
Yes, I know we are all supposed to patronize them in order to preserve the American Way. In that case, just call me a Socialist. My dislike is simple.
 I don't want to be hustled in my own neighborhood. Maybe it's the Pilgrim in me, but I think it's crass. I think it was either Warren Buffett or Bill Gates who opined that one should always stop and buy a cup of whatever from any child enterprising enough to set up a stand. Sorry, I'm still not buying.


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