Start of School Looms
I haven't written in a while. I always have a million ideas that evaporate when I sit down to write/tap on my computer or phone. School starts next week.
Kid 1 will begin her third year of high school and Kid 2 will serve a one year sentence in 8th grade. She seems eager while he is clearly ignoring the whole subject. Once school gets going, he'll probably ignore all of his subjects individually. Yuk, yuk.
We are starting our yearly Special Ed Odyssey and my anxiety level is rising as the first day of school gets closer. I wish I could ignore the whole thing but there is a process and it gets a lot more complicated this year. There is the initial meeting to assess what special services and accommodations will be made to help him succeed this year.
He was retested in June after he had his brain sprain but he was resistant to some sections. In the end, they seemed to conclude that he's a capable student who dislikes school and doesn't try hard enough. We had a meeting with the psychologist who did the testing and in terms of pinpointing his exact deficits it was a bust.
Now we will formally request re-testing by a person unconnected to the school system at the school district's expense. I wish we'd done this years ago.