A Poster Child for Obama Care
I should be the poster child for the Health Care Reform Act. Until January 1st, I had been without health insurance for about six years. No colonoscopy at 50, no annual mammograms, no follow- up care for my 2008 bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. I knew that my blood pressure was fine--don't know why, I just did--but I've never had my cholesterol levels checked. Over the years, I used my friends and neighbors whenever I needed a prescription. Yes, they're MDs. And I'd never had an injury until December.
On December 28th I signed up for United Healthcare's Family Community Plan. I think it's essentially Medicaid for the middle class or lower middle class. I was skeptical at first. I pictured driving to sketchy neighborhoods to see doctors in basement level "clinics". I had heard that no one took Medicaid and that finding doctors was torturous.
Under OCare, Medicaid monies in some states have been increased. I'm probably a beneficiary of that increase. My prescriptions, which used to cost $40 a month, are now free. I am supposed to be taking a name-brand NSAID but it gradually rose in price to $200 a month so I had to give it up a few years ago. Now, once the authorization comes through, it will be free. Or at least it won't cost me anything.
I have a doctor now too. He's the one who said "I think you have a broken bone. You need an Xray." Then a nurse called, found a facility close by that takes my insurance and I got the Xray. Yup, broken fibula. Yesterday I had a cast put on and in four weeks I go back to the same orthopedist to see how it's healing. Oh, and I have an appointment for a complete physical on February 6th.
My doctor agrees that I will most likely need a handful of referrals to various specialists. I can't wait. I feel like a real grown- up again. Meanwhile I do hate this cast, but I'll survive. I've survived these past six years.