Worry Warts

I was musing the other day about the huge difference between the things you worry about when your kids are small compared to the things you worry about with teens.

When my kids were small I worried that they'd get cavities, wouldn't get enough protein, would never have socks that fit, would lose a blankie, would swear like Mommy, wouldn't get into a good preschool/kindergarten, that she wouldn't stop biting even after she turned four and that he would never again let on that he could talk but wouldn't.

Now I worry that the socks I bought for him last week won't fit next week, that his brain will turn to mush from too many MMOGs or whatever they're called this week, that she won't snap to academically in time to get her grades up in time to apply for college, or that she will suddenly want to go to one of those dumb ass private colleges that cost $250K for four years instead of FIT, or that he will never graduate from high school or ever learn to tie his shoes or learn to punch in the PIN correctly even for his own debit card.

I don't remember having any worries for them during the middle years, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.


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