
Showing posts from May, 2014

Spring Cleaning

I am trying to clean house, the upstairs in particular, before surgery on July 15. But wait you say, there is plenty of time. Why now?  Because I clean slowly. It's hard to clean when you can't bend, swivel or kneel without pain. And apparently it's also hard for me to clean when I don't have a boyfriend or at least that's the conclusion I'm drawing based on the amount of dust I just found under the bed.

Mother's Day and Dad's Dog

It's Mothers Day and I am about to drive Kid 1 over to feed my ex-husband's dog. This is the ex-husband whose wife does not speak to me. I find this amusing 99 per cent of the time . Today I am low on gas and as Queen Elizabeth and I like to say "we are not amused". That's the only downside to pet sitting gigs for Boy Child--the price of gas.


Never mind the locusts. On Monday I have having lithotripsy to hopefully pulverize an 8mm stone. Wherever it has been hiding out down there, it picked a comfy spot. I haven't had much pain or discomfort for the last week and a half. I know it's there though. It does play Peek-a-Boo every few days. I am aware of it right now. There's a squinchy sensation and I have the merest hint of heart burn even though I haven't eaten today. I'll be glad to have it gone. Then it's on to the hips. I need them replaced. Not sure about the right one but the left has apparently been bone on bone for some time. I see an orthopedic surgeon with an excellent reputation on Thursday.