Wishing for a flat stomach

I wish I still had a flat stomach. More importantly, I wish I had the desire to work hard enough to get that flat stomach back. But I don't. Not consistently that is. A year or so ago--probably more like 3 years--I summoned the will power to "get it back". And I did mostly. But now I'm 50 and with age comes a bit of wisdom. It's really not that important in the general scheme of things.

Today is the second day of school and Kid 2 has not yet announced his intention to drop out. When I said this kiddingly at Starbucks this morning, another mother expressed horror that I would even say such a thing....let alone think it, I guess. In this town, every kid is above average--just like Lake Woebegone--and every kid is going to Harvard. At least Kid 2 has a flat stomach. And he still sometimes comes up with the funniest bits unintentionally. Yesterday, he asked, "Mum, how come they say 'almond' at the end of that prayer you say before you eat?" I thought he was kidding even though he has been in a church maybe 3 times in his life. I was tempted to say "because pecans are the devil's favorite snack food" but I resisted and straightened him out. And fortunately he didn't ask why people say "amen". Amen to that on this, the second day of school


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