Does Fat Have A Mind of Its Own?
I am a Weight Watchers dropout again. I always lose weight with WW and I am truly inspired by all the brave, dedicated women with whom I gathered on Monday mornings to dissect our eating patterns for the past week.
Then I get bored. Mostly I get bored and then weary of paying $13 per week to listen to food suggestions that don't apply to me. "I found the best thing and they're only 100 calories each! They have them at Trader Joe's/Costco/Whole Foods. They're called "NuttyBuddies" and you can get a box of six for $5.99. They're delicious!" Even I don't want to eat anything that processed, but the WW ladies don't seem to mind. It's not that I'm a purist, it's just that I won't pay a lot of money for food that's barely food.
So, I stopped and went back to my own "Eat It and See It" diet. The central idea is simple. At the end of the day if you've eaten reasonably, you should be able to remember everything you ate." Without writing it down. That's all. I've lost about five or six pounds after two weeks or so.
But it's the location of that loss that makes wonder if fat has a mind of its own...As usual, the fat is coming off around my waist. It comes off my face first, then my arms, then my middle. But this time around, I have these things called 'saddlebags'. I had thought that only gals with curvy, womanly hips got saddlebags but apparently not. I definitely have extra fat on the sides of my legs and so I still have to tug my jeans on. When does the fat plan to evacuate these areas? And will I have the dreaded cellulite, once that fat does hit the road?
Does fat get cagier and more determined to live a long, happy life the older it gets?