When Is A Bra Not Just A Bra?

I took my daughter bra shopping today, at Victoria's Secret. When I told her she'd have to buy her own, in other words--pay for them herself--she was shocked. I explained that if she wanted to wear $30 bras that was fine but it is a luxury I won't afford.

I hadn't been inside a VS in a few years. Yikes. There are Demi Push-Ups, and Push-Up Tee, Simple Lining, Cotton With Push-Up, as well as sexy numbers with lace, etc. It was dizzying and by the time I staggered outside to wait for her I'm sure my eyes were glazed. As I made for the door, I stopped to ask a clerk "do all of the mothers race for the door as soon as they can?" She might have been in her early thirties but she laughed--she knew exactly what I meant. "Often," she replied. Holy crap, there must have been at least thirty different bra models. I couldn't even find my way back to the dressing room after I finally stumbled upon the staging area with the right model in a different size. I wanted a pith helmet and a machete.

It's weird when you realize that your daughter now cares how she looks in her bras. Not long ago when she was kvetching about needing bras, I caught myself about to say 'why do you care about your bras? It's not like anyone is going to see it." I stopped myself just in time to muse. She's only 15 but she does have a boyfriend so maybe she has a reason to care? Then I quickly thought about something else--the Mets, I think or maybe the new Red Sox phenom.

I must say that except for a few times in my life--post divorce perhaps--I find the subject of bras dull. You put one on in the morning and you take it off before you go to bed. It's like an undershirt but it makes your clothes fit better. I remember that when I was nursing, I wore a horrible white cotton bra to bed. It had panels that you unsnapped when it was time to play cow. I never minded nursing but I hated, hated, hated that bra. I remember how happy I was when it was no longer needed. I might have even burned it, had I thought of it at the time. Alas I was too young the first time around.

It's ideal if your bra fits, I do know that. I know the criteria for a good fit but other than that, who cares? As long it's not white. Ugh. I remember having white bras as a teen. They were quickly dingy and gray and I hated them and I have never, ever bought or worn a white bra. Come to think of it, I remember asking the clerk at the nursing bra store (they probably sold other things as well, but it was back in the Pleistocene era so who the hell remembers) whether or not they came in black or nude. I remember she looked at me funny. They came only in white. Cow. These days they probably come in sheer lace and push-up models with cute little holsteins embossed in crystals.


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